Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary in India

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Unesco World heritage centre Keoladeo national park which is in India 's Rajasthan state At Bharatpur .its covered area 29 sq km. It is the only wintering site for the siberian Crane in the Indian subcontinent. Two-thirds of the Park lies under water and the remaining one-third is covered in dry deciduous forests and extensive grasslands.

Birds: Bharatpur is the real kingdom of Avian fauna in India with not less than 377 bird species already spotted. If your luck permits it is not too tough to spot 50 to 100 species in a day.Over 350 species of birds find a refuge in the 11 sq miles (29km) of shallow lakes and woodland that makes up the park. A third of them are migrants, many of whom winter in Bharatpur before returning to their breeding grounds as far away as siberia and Central Asia . some 120 species nest in the park and the heronry at keoladeo Ghana is said to be one of the finest in the world. The birds seen are as colorful as their names -keoladeo Ghana

Mammals : The National park is also known for large mammals. Blue bull-India's largest antelope is and animal of dry land.India's largest deer, Sambar is re - establishing itself. India 's commonest deer- chital or Axis deer, does not like water. It remains confined to upland areas of the park. There are about 500 heads of chital.

Reptiles : The park is well known for the opportunities to observe Indian python, Indian porcupine, fishing cat, Indian civet, and three species of mongoose.

Mode of safari : Flat-bottomed boats, bicycle rickshaws and bicycle.

Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary map

National Park