What People Are Saying
We love to hear from our guests. Below are some quotes from past travelers.
Have a story you'd like to share? Drop us a line at

Michael J Vickers

My wife and I first visited India in 2001 for the purpose of a tiger safari where we enjoyed some excellent sightings of wild tigers in Kanha and Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserves. While staying at a lodge in Bandhavgarh we were introduced to their guide and naturalist Vivek Sharma who accompanied and guided us in the tiger Reserve. We were both very impressed with Vivek's knowledge of the wildlife in the Reserve and for his enduring enthusiasm to show and explain to us the history of Bandhavgarh and the ecosystem of the Reserve. Since that first visit to Bandhavgarh we have revisited the park on a number of occasions always accompanied by our friend and traveling companion Vivek who has passed onto to us some of his invaluable knowledge of tigers and their habitat. More recently I spent 2 weeks in March and October 2006 on 2 safaris' superbly organised by Tiger Expeditions. Vivek was always waiting patiently for me at Delhi International airport for my flight to arrive and on arrival with excitement mounting we set off on the first leg of our journey to the tiger Reserve. Vivek has always shown a wonderful ability in locating the whereabouts of tigers. On my last visit in October he located 2 juvenile tigers playing together like children in a pool of water. We successfully spent almost 1 hour in the presence of these 2 X 12 month old tigers and I was able to take some excellent photographs of them one of which is now proudly displayed on a wall at home. I have enjoyed my safaris' so much with Vivek that he has already arranged yet another safari to Bandhavgarh in March 2007. I have no hesitation in recommending Vivek and Tiger Expeditions for their superb organisational skills and expertise to anyone thinking of a wildlife safari to India.

Tiger Expeditions took care of every detail, making sure that our visit was tailored exactly to what we wanted. In Vivek we had the most enthusiastic & knowledgeable of guides. His passion is the tigers and he appears to know each one personally. However he is just as knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the birds, flora & fauna & India 's rich cultural heritage."


A batch of 250 delegates of AEF, Melbourne, Australia visited India during Sept – Oct 2007. Some of the participants of AEF delegates joined Post-Conference Fieldwork program with Tiger Expeditions at Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve. The Feedback received from their Director  Maureen Welch on the trips & services provided by the Tiger Expeditions is given below:

 “I enjoyed the passion of Vivek Sharma and his images were fabulous. We learnt of an excellent resource that I will purchase as soon as I get home”

This trip was ‘real' not a contrived tourist jaunt. I was in the thick of bamboo going up a steep slope on an elephant and their she was, a tiger cub lying peacefully less than 3 metres away. Today was a highlight of my life!

The whole experience, including the village walk gave a complete new dimension to our visit to Tiger Reserve.

A deep, warm, contented inner experience that cannot be expressed in words!
I learnt so much about tigers, tiger reserve, Bandhavgarh & local villagers. I have so many curriculum and lesson ideas as well as resource materials – thank you

Hello! How are you? I’m sure you’ve been very busy since we saw you a few weeks ago. What a wonderful trip! Thank you so much for looking after us and for your kindness. It was so much fun. I can’t quite believe that I saw B2 (dominant male tiger) in the flesh! I felt very sad when I got back to Sydney - it was to short a time. I’d really love to return to India one day in the not too distant future.

 “ I am almost finished writing an article for a Chicago newspaper about our visit and I will send you a copy when it is published .”

“Bandhavgarh was fantastic and one of the highlights of our world trip. We hope to come and visit again one day.”
 “In every instance, Vivek  Sharma's hard work and expertise were invaluable, enabling every one to see tigers and to understand their movements in details.”

Vivek has also contributed photographs and excellent field data to the new book TIGER by Stephen Mills being published in March 2004 by BBC.


John Gore

Vivek Mohan Sharma from Tiger Expeditions, India was invited to Australia by the NSW Department of Education and Training, Australia for the period 16 July to the 4 September 2004 to work with teachers of Asian studies and to prepare materials for teachers.

Prior to accepting and invitation to visit Australia. Department officers were most impressed with the support that Mr. Sharma provided to a group of NSW teachers when they visited Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in January 2003. They gained and increased understanding of the issues surrounding tigers and tiger habitat conservation and gathered valuable resources to transfer that understanding into classroom lessons. Vivek Sharma provided expert advice. Personal support and professional development to these teachers and maintained contact with them to provide support on their return to Australia.

Mr. Sharma’s knowledge, commitment and enthusiasm for tiger conservation establishes him as a leader in this field and his communication skills ensure that audiences can capture his perspective on these matters and the urgency for action.

Gail & Sanford

We have been thinking of you and remember so fondly our time with you in India.  What fun we had exploring Agra, Bandhavgarh and Khajuraho with you we were delighted to receive these very nice pictures, which bring back memories of our wonderful time together.  Sandy and I have shared stories of our travel with you with our friends. I have told them in great detail about our tiger sightings.  I explain to everyone that first the mahouts would scout out the tigers, then we had to climb onto the back of magnificent elephants who took us to view the tigers.  Everyone is very interested and likes to hear about that.  No one knows how important the elephants are to sighting the tiger.
I am so happy that we had a chance to visit Bandhavgarh once again.  The park is beautiful and the tigers a treat to see.  And your guidance and company were greatly appreciated and so much fun.


We hope you are well, too.
First we would like to thank you both again for your efforts to make our stay in India pleasant and eventful, and for your kind hospitality. We really appreciated and did enjoy it and the whole trip!

By the way, meanwhile we had a short look - more wasn't possible as there are as always many things to do after returning from holidays - at your site. Congratulations, it looks great and we sure will take closer looks at the informations and your impressive tiger photos.

So for the moment thanks again and kind regards


We hope you both are fine. Since a week we are back in Switzerland and we still are dreaming about the wonderful trip in India.

Everybody who wants to listen (or not) we tell about this amazing land. The colors, the wonderful landscapes, the beautiful hardworking women and, of course, about the parks and there animals! IT WAS GREAT!

We look forward to march 2009, for the trip to North India and Sikkim. We really hope it wil take place and we can meet you both again.
Take care so far. Love Gertrud & Frans


First of all, we are still full of nice memories and images of the Wonderful weeks in India. It is extremely difficult to start with normal live here after such experiences in India. We studied already a part of the pictures we made and than it becomes even more difficult. Thanks a lot for such marvelous days and thanks as well for the information about the nice tour in March and April.

Steve & Mandy Harvey

Dear Vivek and Radhika, we just wanted to thank you both for making our trip to India so unforgettable.  Every thing was organized so well and worked like clockwork. We appreciated Vivek's extensive   knowledge of the history, culture+ wildlife as well as his company. Thank you also for inviting us to your home and for the lovely food. We hope to come back to India in the future and that our path will cross again.


Dear Vivek and Radhika, Just a quick message to say that we arrived home safely and on time yesterday and to thank you both again for everything that you did for us. We had a wonderful trip, as did Steve & Mandy who we saw briefly last night and they told us that they were really impressed with Tiger Expeditions and the services that you provided us.


“The impressions (and many pictures) we have taken with us are so overwhelming and positive that we can only but conclude that our India trip was super.  Thanks to your very kind support we could make the trip of our life. Once again we would also like to thank you for the wonderful dinner we had at your home. It was also nice to meet the father of Vivek.

Enclosed we sent you a New Year Letter which we have sent out to some international friends. All the pictures we used have been taken in India.

Last but not least: we have been very lucky with Rana, our driver.
He was a very kind man, knew exactly his role, and no question was to much for him. Next to this he fitted perfect in our family. The children also liked him very much. It was very impressive to notice that each morning he did his prayers, and also prayed for a save journey not only for himself but also for our family. Next to this : Rana is an excellent driver!!

Regarding the trip itself and the program, I will come back to you in due time. (I'll discuss this with Tamara first.) The overall impression as said has been fantastic.

Kind regards, also from the other family members,
Rudolf Th. Bijleveld“ 


Dear Vivek,
As you know, Susan and I got home safely after what we both agreed was the trip of a life-time.  That it was such a success was, of course, largely due to you, your generosity of spirit and your passion for and knowledge of tigers which you shared so willingly.
For many years I’ve dreamed of seeing a tiger- I never dreamt that the experience would be so emotional, existing, thrilling or such hard work! Thank you, Vivek & Radhika for planning and winging to fulfillment with such ease and care one of the most important experiences of my life.

This was a holiday of a life time- but to be repeated, I hope. We learned to track the tiger and ever spend 2 ½ mir thing hours watching a male tiger sleep, slowly awake and stroke
Out from the undergrowth in front of us. Stunning! Thankyou Radhika and vivek for everything.


Ahoj Vivek & Radhika
What a strange feeling to be at home again. It went much too quickly! I am horribly missing you and the ongoing communication with you!
I learned so much from you. About India, about its culture and nature, about your lifes and the views on life. It was a wonderful fascinating, inspiring and moving trip for me.
Thank you so much for your warm attention and the patience with this always curious German city rat!

Marcel Steiner

Rain, Rain go away – it was so wonderful your lovely company, the Fantastic food and the warm atmosphere on your terrace – Arcatour group Enjoyed it a lot

artist group

artists group

Iraida & Tiger

Ysbrand Brouwers.
Dear Radhika,
Hope all is well with you and the family!
Thank you very much for a very nice evening and dinner in the Sharma house
It was simply perfect!!!
The whole trip was a great success, also thank you for that!!!

Harriet Mead
“The EEC is a great base for the trip. With unrestricted access to the surrounding meadows and forest edge, it makes for fantastic birding and mammal experiences. The highlight for me was the bamboo forest, the meadows and the trip to the fort. The cliff at the fort where vultures swirl above, next to and below you was wonderful .My glimpse of a tigress and her almost full grown cub was a thrilling moment, it was just a shame that the majority of the inhabitants of the jeep were looking in the wrong direction……”

Robert Greenhalf
“India was an unforgettable experience. The forest pasture surrounding the ANF Lodge was so rich in bird life that it was difficult to decide what to look at first, and I never did work out what everything was. The park offered masses of deer, monkeys and other mammals, yet more birds including two species of hornbill and eye-level views of dozens of vultures, all in a stunning landscape”

Kim Atkinson
“Missing you all ever so much! Thank you for such a lovely trip, it was beautiful, and you gathered together a very special group of people. So good to spend time in the areas of the park where other jeeps seldom stray. The waterhole is a fantastic source of interest, close enough to watch with tea in hand. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to travel with good friends from the world over, as well as to meet new ones, European and Indian”

nature and culture group

Dear Radhika and Vivek,
After our wonderful trip to India we left shortly after to England with BBB for a long weekend, so we didn't have much time to sit down and write to you. But now we sincerely want to thank you both for the unforgettable and amazing experience we had in India.
Thanks to your great efforts, your stunning expertise, humour, liveliness and kindness we had an absolutely brilliant time! Indeed an 'incredible' country, with all its colors, its contradictions, beautiful nature and culture....
We really appreciated your invitation to meet with your family. Please give our love to your brother, Vivek. And thank you for a wonderful dinner, Radhika!


Artist Trip


Artist Trip

Keith Brockie, Scotland
Many thanks for making the trip such a wonderful experience, a real assault on the sense in so many ways

Darren Woodhead, Scotland
Thank you so much again for an amazing trip with such wonderful comrades. Those ANF trips are a real spice of life, Wonderful!!!

Siegfried Woldhek, The Netherlands
Thank you very much for your company during these remarkable two weeks!
I will cherries the many good moments and valuable advices.

John and Jane Paige, England
We are still unravelling all our thoughts and emotions from our wonderful India experience and are unwilling to think about anything else.
We send you our love and many many thanks for the trip of a lifetime.

John Threllfal, Scotland
It was a fantastic in experience in so many ways, a feast for all of the senses. Nothing has prepared me for how beautiful the landscape was; how richly melodic, how vibrantly percussive the sound scape; how much the tiger transfixes the mindscape.
There was always that deliciously trembling anticipation in the cool of each dawn’s light, wondering what that day will bring.

Stefan Böensch, Germany
It really was an incredible experience for me and somehow the realisation of a dream which I had since I was a young man. I always wanted to go to India and I have not been disappointed! Everything was perfect, our group, the atmosphere, the accommodation and supply, Nature, wildlife, smell and colours, the food and the Indian people. Even this special car and train trip was part of that unforgettable journey.


Dear Vivek and Radhika
Firstly a big thank you for making my May/June visit to Bandhavgarh a success. Although I was greatly saddened by the death of the Jhurjura tigress I was still able to take some lovely pictures of other tigers including my “old friend” B2.  Unfortunately I returned home with a terrible head cold and chest infection and the doctor has put me on some strong antibiotics to clear the problem. Today at last I am starting to feel a little better.
I hope that you and the children are all keeping well and will look forward to seeing you again during the new season.


We already miss you and feel as though you're from some dreamplanet! we would like to thank you (and Radhika) for you super guidance, patience, flexibility, enthousiasm, lessons, humor!, friendliness and friendship during our trip! we had a lovely time, with a lot of different activity, which made it an unforgettable experience. You were/are so enthousiastic about 'your' tigers, it made me feel humble..

The rest of what I'd like to say, our feelings of gratitude, you'll just have to take our word for it! perhaps we'll meet again, we certainly will keep in touch this coming period, not in the least because of the lovely pictures you and ysbrand, brando di brando, or whatever you call him, bossieboss, took this fortnight.

Walter Trip

Thank you for all the warm hospitality. It was a great adventure. Both Radhika and Vivek were wonderful hosts & incredible ambassadors for India and the tigers. We appreciated all.

Life dream come true. Great food superb guiding & awesome wildlife.

Thanks for your loving care and kindness. Your sincerity & commitment is admirable.


Thank you Radhika & Vivek for an incredible India, tiger experience. Your hospitality and food was wonderful. Your drives were great and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.


Radhika & Vivek, Thanks for a great time. It was a thrill to see the tigers. We had a wonderful time at your lodge.


Thank you for sharing such a special place. You & your family are terrific. Peace, happiness and love.


Enjoyed the entire stuff and experience.


Nature has its ways at times. Your generosity will always humble us.


Radhika & Vivek, Iris, Viv and boys
Such a great time with the tigers. You made a lifelong dream come true. Thank you for great driving & guiding Vivek. Food was superb Radhika. Love Dan & Tanya.


Thank you for providing a lifetime of memories. Your generosity & this beautiful place is much appreciated.


It was great to start our visit to India by spending time with our friends Vivek and Radhika and their children, Iris and Viv, in their eco lodge on the edge of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve. Renewing friendships is always worthwhile and we had extra time because the park was closed due a ruling by the Supreme Court of India.


The tigers are fantastic, but what makes this experience unique is the Sharma family. Thanks to all of you for your friendship. I shall return.



My very dear sis Radhika
our group really enjoyed so much being with u and charing many things! Thank you very much for the wonderful trip.
Manuela Seifert





Dear Radhika and Vivek,
We had a safe trip back home, where it snowed the whole day.
Thank you for the nice stay in the lodge and the unforgettable evening we spend at your home.
All the best and greetings to Iris and Viv,

Dear family Sharma,
Thank you very much for wonderful trip! It was a great, interesting time in India, thank you for that.
A big hug for you 4.
From Renate

Dear Radhika,
We have enjoyed our trip in India very, very much, especially under your capable and charming guidance.
Thank you very much for everything you have done for us!
Give my regards to Vivek and Iris end Viv, it was very nice to have metten too.
Best wishes,
Vicky and Dick

Dear Radhika, 
Thank you very much again for the wonderful trip and your organization. 
Kind regards with a big hug 
From Barbara 



Dear Vivek,
How are you? We are all safely back and enjoying are photos!! It was an eventful 16 days with many beautiful things to hear, to see and to taste.
Radhika did wonderfully well! Thank you very much for the wonderful trip.
Like to hear from you,
Warm regards,

German Group

Thank you for having such a wonderful time in this unforgettable place,
Good luck to you!

German Group

Dear Vivek, dear Rekha, many thanks for these wonderful days in the Eco-Lodge, with the excursions to the surroundings but especially to the core area of the national park with tigers, deers, monkeys and many different bird species. We hope to meet again somewhere.

German Group

Vivek Sharma knows everything about Tigers, He feels, how this animal acts. Within 5 days we saw 3 different tigers in a distance between 5-30 meters and a leopard.
Vivek is the only man I know, who is able to make a date with a tigress, and she exactly crosses the road at the moment which he presumed – great experience of India, its wildlife an specially Tigers!
Thank you very much.

Carina Sylvest Bokmand

It has been a pleasure being here, I even managed to see the tiger among a lot of other animals, even though I was only here a week.

Back again for my third visit to the lodge and it was just as exciting as before! The whole trip with vivek's lions and 2 cubs at Gir and 5 Tigers in Bandhavgarh, not to mention all the birds, cat, mongoose etc. – was the usual fantastic experience. The spacious room "away from it all" among the trees allowed us to closely watch the behavior of the langour monkeys – even their mating!
Thank you

That says it all-life in the jungle is special
Many thanks to vivek & to Rekha for the organizations.

Many thanks for the great hospitality and the successful and very interesting drives in the tiger resort.
All the best for the future and a lot of tiger observations!

We had a wonderful stay in this pristine jungle and in your lodge, which is beautifully blended into nature. Thanks for the warm treatment and the nice dishes.