Group of Monuments Mahabali Puram

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Group of Monuments Mahabalipuram in south India is an Unesco World Heritage site Pallava culture and arts. Situated just 55kms.south of Chennai city, on the Bay of Bengal coast line.

Mahabalipuram or Mamallapuram is the beautiful cave temples and gigantic open air reliefs carved from blocks of granite date to the seventh century. the greatest architectural and sculptural achievements in India.

This beach-town, saturated with ancient monuments, sculptures, caves, monolithes, temples, beaches and lots more too.

The five Pandava princes of the epic Mahabharata, rathas (chariots) of Arjuna, Bhima, Dharmaraja, Nakula-Sahadeva and their common wife, "Draupadi "worked on these five temples was stopped after the death of Narasimha Varman in 668.

Mahabalipuram can be group as 1-Monolithic temples ,2-Caves b exacavating the hils for temples called mandapa 3- the masonery temples 4- sculptured scenes or carved hill edge

monuments mahabalipuram Pallava culture